February 3 - February 9 2019

The day has finally come that we are getting rid of this HORRID green stripe that the owners before us left on the girls' bedroom wall. Barf! Here's the before: (the after is down a little bit)

Maylee came out to the living room where Daniel and I were sitting and said, "Okay guys, I'm going to read you the scriptures. Laban was angry and Nephi cut his head off." We laughed so hard at that haha.

Eleanor being cute.

Daniel reads his scriptures on his 4 hour commute everyday. One morning he sent me these screen shots:

Some of his thoughts on this verse:

We've been trying to be more service oriented and so this was a really great insight he had for us.

Dalton was not feeling well this week (strep throat) so every morning before Daniel left for work, he set the table for breakfast for all of us. He always leaves before we wake up, so it was quite the pleasant surprise!

Cute girls:)

Maylee wanted me to take a picture of her hair for dad:)

They wanted to go play out in the snow, so I sent them out with their construction vehicle toys and had them go clear the balcony of snow!

Dalton put three little dinosaurs on top of one big dinosaur and called it, "a daddy dinosaur with his baby dinosaurs." I loved it because this is how Daniel plays with Dalton, Maylee, and Eleanor! They are always all over him. I love that Dalton is going to grow up with this image of fatherhood. Love them!

While I was taking pictures of Dalton and his dinosaurs, Maylee asked me to take some pictures of her creation!

One morning, I let the children have a chocolate chip cookie for breakfast because dang it, I wanted one, too!

The after of Maylee and Eleanor's wall:

This is just an accent wall. The other walls we will paint white.

We are doing a blue accent wall in Dalton's room that he was so excited about!

This is what Maylee asked for lunch the other day: carrots, cheese, and grapes.

Dalton's finished blue wall.

If you look really closely, you can see Maylee's one black hair. I hope that doesn't mean she's losing her snow-blonde hair!

We were all sitting at the table eating and talking when out of the blue Maylee said, "Look! I'm a pickle!" She then proudly showed us her cheerio covered arm. Ha!

We love you Little Atwells!


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