This Is Us

Emma & Daniel 2017

Some facts about us:

-we were married in the Manti, UT temple in the summer of 2012.

 -we have always spent every holiday (including Christmas and Thanksgiving) at our own home. We have never traveled to see extended family. This was very much intentional from the beginning. We really felt that it was important for us to focus on our own family of creation. We had a humble and love-filled 1st Christmas, just the two of us, in our tiny one bedroom apartment in Rexburg Idaho. It was seriously the best. Even though it was only the two of us for our first two Thanksgivings, we went all out! Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls, green bean casserole, mac n cheese, several pies and more. All homemade. And if we do say so, it's always incredibly delicious. We make a great team! It's been an incredible blessing in our lives. We've never had to stress about who's family we were going to for holidays. You can't imagine the fun we've had while cooking all day in the kitchen together side by side or cuddling together on the couch watching Christmas movies in the evening. Just the two of us. And now we have three of the sweetest children who join in these traditions that we created together. It's absolutely magical.

-we have moved 6 times in the not quite 6 years we've been married. We are pretty much pros at the whole packing deal.

-we were invited by the Eyres to attend a parenting conference.

-we own all of the pixar movies.

-we don't have any credit cards or a car payment.

-we both have our bachelors degrees and Daniel is only a couple semesters away from his graduate degree. 

-we both came from a family of six children. 1 girl 5 boys in Daniel's family. 1 boy 5 girls in Emma's family.

-we have one of the most challenging yet rewarding marriages we know of for reasons we won't be going into on this blog. Maybe one day. Suffice it to say, we have to work hard everyday on our marriage and because of that we have seen some beautiful miracles. 

-we've been through hell and back as a couple and one day when we share our story, we'll be unstoppable.

-we are best friends and do pretty much everything together. Some things we love are decorating our home together, listening to music, watching our favorite shows (Call the Midwife, The Amazing Race, Relative Race, and Avatar the Last Airbender), reading Harry Potter together, doing family names at the temple, serving in callings at church together, cooking, cleaning, hating on BYU and sports...and BYU sports;), and staying up late after the Little Atwells go to bed talking about how much we love and miss them and how we can't believe how adorable they are (this happens every night. Seriously:).

Yep, this is us 💕


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