November 4 - November 10 2018

As part of our before-Christmas-purging, we sold our armoire.

Maylee drew this and took a picture of it before she erased it.

Someone (I'm assuming Maylee) took a picture of our shelf.

The Little Atwells wanted to do a photoshoot with their toys which turned into a fun sibling photoshoot :)

When I went down to St. George for TOFW for 2 days, Daniel made sure to keep me updated on what was happening at home.

Maylee dancing on a table. Ha!

They were all pretty devastated watching my bus drive away. So Daniel took them to Swig.

And then to a favorite toy store of ours.

They had their Primary Program practice while I was gone:(

And then came home and watched a movie (Wall-E) and ate popcorn.

The twins went right down for bed when it was time. Eleanor, who usually nurses before bed, looked at Daniel and they both knew the predicament they were in. She was sad once she realized she wouldn't have any milk but soon fell asleep while Daniel worked on school work.

She slept in our bed that night:)

That piece of paper taped to our wall right above our bed is pretty special to Daniel and I. It is our IRON promise. Maybe I'll go more into it later, but I don't want to forget it, so I hope in the future, this will be enough to help me remember what it was and what it stood for.

Saturday morning I headed to more of the conference and Daniel and the children headed to Harry Potter World.

They got baby nifflers which they haven't let go of since they got them:) Daniel is a proud dad. 

They also got candy canes which: Dalton doesn't like, Maylee dropped hers in the toilet, and Eleanor dropped hers on the floor and had to throw it away because it got covered in dirt and hair. Daniel told me that was all pretty devastating, but some how they managed!

They went back home and that evening before bed they had a Taylor Swift baby niffler dance party!

It was a great weekend for me and my mom and some sisters and Daniel and the children, but I was sure happy to come home and kiss them a billion times:)

We love you Little Atwells!


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