November 25 - December 1 2018

Church is exhausting for everyone. The girls put stickers on Daniel's face while he slept. He woke up and didn't realize how many they'd put on. It was hilarious!

The Little Atwells are so patient with me and my camera.

Looking at the pictures I took:

Ella's pigeon toes:

We got to gymnastics and I looked back and Eleanor had her shoes and socks off! (PS, if you're tempted to comment on the jacket and car seat situation, just know that I promise you that I care more about my child than you do.)

Maylee got her recital dress. She was so thrilled! (Daniel steamed it and glued that flower on better for her performance. Love him).

One evening at dinner Eleanor said, "I'm taking the minions off my bergen." We laughed pretty hard at that. We might have watched Despicable Me and Trolls one too many times.

We love you Little Atwells!


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