November 18 - November 24 2018

Daniel always takes a picture of Maylee's hair when he does it for church:) He's getting really good!

Before church, we had a fashion show with the Little Atwells in their church clothes! We had fashion show music and everything! I don't have any pictures, only a video, so I wanted to write about it so I don't forget!

After church, our children were in a slap happy mood and went and got underwear to wear on their heads! Never a dull moment!

Maylee took a mirror picture before church. Ha!

A tower that Maylee built! She was so proud and wanted a picture of/with it to show Daniel.

Ella toes:)

Maylee's creation while we waited for the dentist.

Can you tell who does and who doesn't like the dentist?

A Book of Mormon schedule I'm roughly following.

I read Jacob T. Marley for book club this month. So good! If you haven't read it, go get it!

Eleanor being cute:)

The Little Atwells on Thanksgiving morning watching the Macy's parade!

Our Thankful Tree.

Eleanor one evening looking at the tree and singing our Atwell Family Song:)

We got our first snow this week! We went out and made a snowman. Dalton named it Peppa!

After, we came in and ate cookies and strawberries for breakfast. Seriously.

Daniel vacuuming the gym with Eleanor on his hip:)

My absolute favorite:

Do you think this is man pathetic enough to worry about his "man card"? No. But it is a man who can clean and actually knows how to take care of his own children. Love him for that:) This is what manhood looks like everyone. Work it, Daniel! Ha!

We love you Little Atwells!


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