November 11 - November 17 2018

We took a picture before we headed off to church because we were so happy to be back together!

My twins <3

While I was gone, Daniel had a blast painting the girls' nails and doing their hair. When I got back home, Maylee asked him if he would put make up on her. So, he did. It was so cute and prompted a bathroom photoshoot:)

Not sure why I have these and I don't remember taking them, but apparently Dalton played in a box in our laundry room. Ha!

Maylee's hair for church.

Our closet. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... :)

I'm always super early with Christmas shopping, but it's getting tricky because I have one child who changes their mind every week about what they want. Thankfully I thought ahead and put some money aside in case this happened. It will be a Merry Christmas!

Daniel and I took our Family History class to the Family History Center in Lehi. We had a great experience minus my migraine.. ugh. Love all these great people!

Maylee dancing and flipping and tumbling. She does this all day.

Dalton joining in. Love him:)


These look so staged, but they really aren't! I had my scriptures out and all the Little Atwells went and got theirs and started looking through them. So I started showing them the pictures. Eleanor excitedly exclaimed, "Mom, I found something important!" I looked over and she had her Book of Mormon opened to the index. On the top of the page were the words Child of God. Such a beautiful moment. I looked up and Daniel was taking pictures, and I'm so grateful he did! I'll cherish this memory forever and ever!

(Eleanor is always in her birthday suit:)

On Saturday evening, Daniel and I took the Little Atwells to their gymnastics place. They do a babysitting night twice a month. The children get to watch a movie, eat popcorn, and play on all the equipment. We dropped off the Little Atwells and went and saw Fantastic Beasts 2. It was amazing!! and so fun to have a date night!

Daniel sporting his Hufflepuff pride scarf:) Interesting fact, before we got married, Daniel was sorted into Ravenclaw and I was sorted into Slytherin. We took the test together after we got married (like we answered every question together to see what house our marriage would be in..make sense?) and we were sorted into Hufflepuff! I still claim Slytherin, but Daniel took the test again and got Hufflepuff again, so he has fully embraced the Hufflepuff pride! Love it!

We love you Little Atwells!


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