September 23 - September 29 2018

Sometimes Dalton has to wear his sister's clothes. Long story: we move around their bedrooms a lot trying to figure out who sleeps best wear etc etc. This week was a situation in which we switched their rooms up but didn't move their clothes with them. So late at night when Dalton peed his bed, we had no clothes for him and we didn't dare go into the sleeping girls' room to get his clothes, so we put him in his sister's shorts. It was hilarious.

Tuesday morning headed out the door for gymnastics.

Maylee was absolutely set on getting peppers while I was grocery shopping. I texted this to Daniel to see if he would eat them because I figured Maylee wouldn't actually eat them. Spoiler alert: she didn't. Thankfully Daniel did.

The view from our balcony. It never gets old.

We found some glasses out in the parking lot. We posted every where trying to find the owner. In the meantime, we let the girls try them on super fast.

One night, the girls would not go to sleep. They came out to the living room and watched The Help with Daniel and I. They both fell asleep on me and I was in heaven.

Moments before Daniel took the girls to a daddy daughter princess themed dance.

(FYI we're not modesty nazis, these dresses are super scratchy so the girls have to have a shirt underneath to protect their skin)

Notice Daniel's m&m bowtie. Yum:)

We love you Little Atwells!


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