October 21 - October 27 2018

Maylee has been wanting to be Black Panther for Halloween since the summer. It's hilarious.

She tried on Dalton's Spiderman costume.

Little Ella tried on the Black Panther mask one Sunday morning. We about died.

Maylee has this nightgown that we really have no idea where it came from. Obviously it was a hand-me-down, but who knows who gave it to us? It's adorable on her.

On Family Night we carved pumpkins. Dalton was done as soon as the insides touched his skin. Maylee couldn't get enough. And Ella was in her birthday suit (as usual) so there are no pictures of her. We had spooky Halloween music playing and I roasted the pumpkin seeds. It was a fun night:)

Naturally the night ended in a bath. And then we got some pictures of them with their carved pumpkins.

We love you Little Atwells!


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