September 2 - September 8 2018
We took a picture right before church on Dalton and Maylee's 4th birthday!!
Before church I had to get some pictures of these sisters sitting together in their butterfly dresses:)
And Dalton sitting with his batman:)
We made our way up to a cemetery here in Utah where some of my ancestors are buried. It was very special..and sunny!
We bought Maylee and Eleanor some new ballet outfits because Maylee starts ballet this week!
It's very tricky to have a pigeon toed two year old do first position:)
Daniel sent me this. It's a mural that is being done on a building close to his work.
We have been trying to get Eleanor to stop napping during the day in order to get her to go to bed before 11pm. This is how that worked out for us:) She fell asleep right on the counter while I was cooking dinner. (We are in the process of painting our cabinets)
We have a fun tradition in our family called "Mr. Gunny." He comes out at just before bed and right after clean up time. Any toys that are left on the floor and not put away, he eats them! It takes him a couple of days to digest. Lately the Little Atwells have been so great at cleaning, that Mr. Gunny has gone to sleep without any toys to eat! Maylee felt kinda bad for him and so one night she fed him some toys. Ha!
Eleanor loves to cut construction paper all day. She does it for hours and hours. While she cuts paper, she opens and closes her mouth as she opens and closes the scissors and it is so adorable! You'd think she had gum in her mouth!
We love you Little Atwells!
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