August 26 - September 1 2018

On Sunday we said goodbye to papa and grandma and headed up to Manti!

Before that however, we stopped at Palisade State Park in Sterling. It was gorgeous! The Little Atwells couldn't get enough of the water.

Daniel taught them how to skip rocks.

We saw a family of pelicans.

Eleanor stayed by me after it started to get windy and cloudy.

The twins hung out together in the water:)

Dad and Ella:)

Maylee and mommy:)

After that, we headed to the Manti temple. This was the first time we had been back to this temple since our wedding day! It was so special to share this full circle moment with the Little Atwells. Plus, we had just celebrated out 6th anniversary 2 days prior!

We had the Little Atwells touch the temple:)

6 years ago newlyweds, Daniel and I, walked this path hand in hand,

took pictures on these rocks.

and on this hill.

Maylee took this picture of us. We were so proud!

Rainbow on our way to Mt. Pleasant.

We stopped at the cemetery here to see the graves of my ancestors.

Some flooring options we are considering.

Getting the cabinets ready to paint.

We went to the Hogle Zoo on Daniel's birthday to celebrate. The twins birthday is just a few days after his so it was perfect.

Daniel caught me mid chew. Ha!

Ella got her foot caught in the fence and dad was to the rescue!

Dancing sisters:)

Eleanor got really upset when we were looking at the butterfly collection. All the butterflies are dead they have them displayed so you can see their beautiful wings. Eleanor asked me if they were all dead. When I told her they were, she looked at me and said, "Mom, I'm sad they're all dead." It was so sweet/sad/innocent. I love her.

Daniel is a rainbow baby. A rainbow baby is a baby that was born after a miscarriage. I'm sure grateful for him! He turned 31 this year!

Maylee made this "bicycle" and excitedly announced, "I'm going to grandma's!"

The kitchen after everything was painted white! The bottom cabinets will be painted gray.

Waiting for the cabinets to dry.

Final product (minus the handles, still trying to figure those out).

Figuring out different recessed lighting options.

Little Atwell selfies:)

We celebrated Dalton and Maylee's birthday on Saturday even though it was on Sunday. Mostly because none of us wanted to wait till Sunday for cakes and presents! But also because these cakes took a long time to make and I would not have been able to work on them on Sunday with church.

Dalton's batman cake:

Maylee's princess cake:


Mid cough, sorry Dalton!

We love you Little Atwells!


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