August 19 - August 25 2018

We are renovating our kitchen and Eleanor wanted to help:)

This is before we painted the cabinets white but after we painted above the cabinets blue. Also, all of the backsplash is officially on!

Dalton got in trouble and had to sit in the corner. His sisters joined him to give him some company:)

This week, I had to go pick Daniel up at the train station twice. He missed his bus. The first time, when we got back home, there was a double rainbow!

And a beautiful view from our balcony!

Eleanor being a ballerina in her swimsuit:)

Selfies from Eleanor's belly.

Eleanor putting her arm around Maylee:

The second night that we had to go pick up Daniel, we came home to a major rain storm! We ran from the van to our home and got completely soaked! Daniel and I were laughing, the Little Atwells were crying. As soon as we got inside, we wrapped them in towels and their moods quickly improved:)

Pretty Maylee:)

At Papa and Grandma's house looking through the toy closet,

showing off gymnastics skills,

eating/wearing cupcakes,

coloring at the counter,

playing with kindles,

more coloring,

and more playing with kindles:)

At the Family History Center in St. George.

Ella finally asleep:)

We love you Little Atwells!


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