August 5 - August 11 2018

On Saturday morning, Daniel came out of the bathroom with Maylee and Ella squealing behind him. I looked up and saw the cutest scene in the world. He had been shaving and thought his girls might like to join. They were over the moon! Obviously, he didn't shave them, just put shaving cream on their faces:) They love watching him get ready in the mornings, so this was like Christmas morning for them to get to participate!

Dalton even left his cars behind to go shave with dad!

Then they went and cleaned our kitchen floor. It was pretty bad and needed to be scrubbed. Maylee was a great little helper!

Daniel came home one day after work and showed me this picture. He was wondering if this was the car I grew up with. Ha! It was pretty funny and random to me. We always talk about our crazy embarrassing cars growing up and I always tell him about the green nissan I had to go to school in everyday! This isn't quite the right green, but pretty close!

There is a new park in town and it is the coolest thing since sliced bread. This swing is so fun! Excuse the blurry pics.

Maylee took some pictures of our piano. I love finding pictures on my phone from her.

She always asks for 'brave hair' and it is adorable. 'Brave hair' = a braid:) She wanted me to get a picture. This is a dress up skirt that she always wears as a dress.

Daniel and I are going to start an ancestor book (more on that later) and were trying to find a good quote to put in the beginning of the book. I found this quote and automatically loved it. It totally spoke to me in a way no other quote has before. The amazing part is that I looked into the person who said this and found out that I am related to her.....through marriage..but still! So amazing! This picture has the name wrong. It was said by Vilate Raile and she wasn't a pioneer, she was a child of pioneers so she knew very well the sacrifices that were made by her amazing parents!

Maylee got a blister on her heel from her shoes and was so sad. After we got medicine and a bandaid on it, she asked to take a picture of it and show it to Papa and Grandma:)

We love you Little Atwells!


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