May 6 - May 12 2018

We do scriptures and prayers via FaceTime when Daniel is at work. 

We got in the car on Monday evening to go to Thanksgiving Point. Eleanor was digging around in her carseat and we couldn't figure out why. That is until we saw that she had found what she was looking for: a sucker! It's like she saved it in her carseat for later. She knew just where it was waiting for her. It was so funny!

Maylee has a crippling fear of bugs. It was getting so bad that she couldn't enjoy being outside at the playground. She would see a fly and cry to go home. So Daniel and I came up with a plan. For Family Home Evening, we went to the gardens at Thanksgiving Point and told the Little Atwells that if they could find 10 bugs, we would all go out for ice cream. It was kind of like a bingo game. It worked pretty well. She started to get excited when she saw a bug because she knew it was getting her closer to ice cream! She even touched a roly poly at one point. We were so proud! She still doesn't like bugs, but she doesn't seem as terrified of them now. 

These are some pics of the Little Atwells looking at a bug on the ground. The simple joys of childhood!

I took a screenshot of a video I watched. It was Linda and Richard Eyre addressing business students at a nearby college. It was very helpful and inspiring. I love anything these two have to say!

We went to the park and I tucked Eleanor's shirt into her pants just like my sister used to do to me when I was little. I never understood why it was so fun for her until now. It's stinkin' adorable!!

One morning, Dalton brought all of his trains to the table for breakfast and put them around his cereal bowl. It was adorable. I love that he eats his cereal dry. He is very particular about the textures of his food.

Daniel and I own the place we live in now. We are pretty excited and have loved making it our home. I have been looking into products I would like to get and taking screenshots to send to Daniel. We have very similar tastes so it's been a fun process!

As we've been better organizing the Little Atwells' toys, they have actually been playing with them! On Saturday, we got rid of probably half of their toys! It was really hard for me. I like to hold onto things for memories and for that off chance we might need it again. Daniel is the opposite. He will get rid of too much. We make a good team. And it was so worth it! We organized the rest of the toys so they were easy to see, access, and put away. On Sunday morning I went to check on everyone and found them all happily playing in their rooms with their toys. It is amazing the difference a little organizing will do!

I love these sweet pictures of a father and his son playing with dinosaurs on a bright sunny Sunday morning. Felt like heaven on earth in our home! Especially with hymns being played on our record player. I love this home Daniel and I are creating together.

We love you Little Atwells!


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