March 18 - March 24 2018

Looking back in the van and seeing a little girl with pigtails, holding her toes is a wonderful moment. It's one of those moments that make all past mistakes and pain melt away. Because it brought you to this point and you see it was all worth it.

We had a picnic out on the grass this week. Eleanor wore Dalton's hat and looked like the cutest little tomboy.

Not sure why I took these pictures, but they're cute:)

The twins' gymnastics class at the Lehi Rec Center (NOT impressed with this place!)

A short video of Eleanor eating. She's really cute when she eats:)

I love when Daniel paints the girls' nails!

We have a friend who is getting ready to move to Iowa. So sad! I've been watching their children while they pack. I put on Toy Story 2 for them and they held each other during the intense scenes. It was so sweet. Love these friendships:)

Daniel's homework buddy:)

The Little Atwells love big boxes!

We love you Little Atwells!


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