March 11 - March 17 2018

My parents came up and watched the Little Atwells just so Daniel and I could go to a conference together. I am so grateful they did that for us. It was a life changer for us. David Archuleta was one of the performers and it was such a wonderful experience. Sitting there with Daniel while David Archuleta sung Rewrite the Stars from The Greatest Showman made everything we're going through seem not only worth it, but one of the biggest blessings. It made me so grateful for this trial we face and how much stronger it has and will make us as a couple. It was a pivotal moment for me. Another song he sang was called My Little Prayer and I loved the story behind it. One night he fell asleep while praying and in his dream he was still praying. The words and the melody to this song came to him and he heard Heavenly Father tell him to wake up and write it down. He was a little confused because he wasn't sure how to wake himself up from a dream (ha!) but he obeyed, woke up, and wrote down the music as well as the lyrics. I loved that story! It was a spiritual experience listening to him perform a song that literally came from heaven. So beautiful! 

No zoom:

We also got to hear Stephanie Nielson speak at this conference. I love reading her blog. Sometimes I feel like I can relate to her story in a different way. While her scars are on the outside, I have a lot on the inside. Her words and her life have been a beacon of hope for me as I've walked through my trial.

Thank you Papa and Grandma for watching our children so we could have this amazing experience! 

Daniel had to go somewhere this week, and Ella was not happy about it! She cried at the door for a couple minutes. It was sad.

We got to go to Disney On Ice this week! It was so fun! The Little Atwells loved seeing all their favorite characters ice skating. It was a good (cheaper) alternative to day we'll go!

We love you Little Atwells!


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