July 8 - July 14 2018

We have the most beautiful view from our balcony that our iphones can never quite capture unfortunately. But we still try!

Screenshot of a recipe I want to try. It's suppose to be a really good pancake recipe. Except, I don't do flax seed crap. I'll just use an egg like a normal human. Instead of non-dairy milk, I'll use dairy-filled whole milk. Yum. And finally, instead of coconut oil, I'll use butter or country crock..whatever I feel like at the time.

This week we had broccoli cheese soup. This is seriously the best recipe in all the land. I put ours in the blender because it helps hide the veggies. Also, Dalton doesn't do soup, so I make noodles and use the soup as the sauce over his noodles. He'll eat that. Daniel made bacon and we used the bacon grease to make grilled cheese sandwiches in. It was to die for delicious! We had to get a picture of the final product. Yum:)

One night for dinner Daniel snapped some pictures of us girls. It's always us left at the table. I'll take it:) Love that Maylee is in the background eating Mexican rice from the pan. Ha!

Can you believe she had the stomach flu in these pictures?! Happy girl.

The meal above was really good as well. I got tortilla boats and we filled them with chicken nuggets, onions, lettuce, a super yummy secret sauce I make, cilantro, and cheese. Daniel and I are determined to sell them one day, they are that good! ;)

We went and got free slurpees on 7/11. I found out it was Daniel's first ever slurpee! Crazy, right?! I was so proud to be there for his first time:) He loved them!

Waiting in line. Notice Ella's sick bucket. Poor girl. She's a trooper when she's sick!

More pictures of our view! Oh man, it's gorgeous!

I took this screenshot to send to Daniel. The Little Atwells and I almost went. So glad we didn't!

Videos from our Friday night summer movie at the Ashton Gardens. These nights are so fun! This week it was Jumanji. We thought we were going to have to leave, but the Little Atwells actually did pretty well with it. My favorite part of these movie nights is the music they play before the movie. I love watching my cuties (that includes Daniel;) dancing around like no ones watching. It's the best! (I realize these videos don't work on this blog and I'm trying to get them uploaded on our youtube channel: Atwell Family.)

Dalton wants a batman cake for his birthday. I took some screenshots to get my creative juices going:)

 More balcony views. These ones feature the moon and a planet.

We love you Little Atwells!


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