January 28 - February 3 2018

This week, Dalton said the prayer all by himself and it was the sweetest. He thanked Heavenly Father for Jesus, bottles, Maylee, Mommy, Ella, Family, and Daddy (several times:).

Ella snuggled on the couch with her birthday present.

I went in Dalton and Maylee's room and saw this cute scene. I'm not sure who did it, but how adorable?!

A recipe I want to try.

This week we celebrated Eleanor and Mom's birthday! Yes, me and Eleanor share a birthday and it is the best thing in the world! Here is what we posted on Facebook: At Eleanor's first ultrasound we were told that they couldn't find a heartbeat and that Emma would miscarry her. Within a few minutes they found a heart beat but then said Emma would still miscarry due to a cyst they found next to Eleanor. Then at 12 weeks a drunk driver hit Emma's side of the car on the interstate. Shortly after that Emma was diagnosed with placenta previa. After it seemed everything was going wrong, sweet Eleanor arrived healthy and strong not only on her due date but on Emma's birthday. Today she is 2 and we celebrated their beautiful lives by eating great food and going to the aquarium. Love you two so much! ❤️

Our fish cake:)

At the aquarium.

We went to Costa Vida for lunch. It's my absolute favorite. There was a time when we couldn't get Eleanor to eat. It got to the point that doctors were threatening to hospitalize her. We were trying everything and she just wouldn't eat. We had family in town that wanted to eat at Costa Vida. We went and Eleanor ate 2 orders of their sweet pulled pork. After that, her appetite has been back to normal. So, it's Eleanor's favorite place, too:)

Eleanor got some big stuffed animals that she instantly fell in love with:)

We love you Little Atwells!


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