February 18 - February 24 2018

Daddy and Eleanor reading a book from one of our most favorite authors: Sandra Boynton!

Some Maylee selfies. Love her curly blonde hair!

On Saturday mornings, the Little Atwells find their way into our bed. It's always so sweet and reminds us of a painting by Brian Kershisnik called The Splendid Inconvenience. It is so perfect. I don't know that we've related to a painting better than this one. Love it!

Eleanor got caught downloading A Baby's Guide to Surviving Mom on her kindle! It was hilarious!


We've had a nightmare with Maylee's teeth. Several cavities and even more dentist appointments (they're not able to do much at each one because she won't have it). We were on our way to an appointment this week and the last song that came on the radio before we went in was Maylee's favorite song. It's the dance song from the Trolls movie (can't remember the name). Anyway, it was such a tender mercy for this sweet little girl who was going to have to go to a dentist appointment that she did not want to go to! I took a video of her dancing to it:)

Maylee's hair was sticking straight up. It was hilarious.

Sweet Ella.

We love you Little Atwells!


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