April 8 - April 14 2018

*Picture Overload*

Maylee has been begging almost all day, every day to do ballet. Classes don't start until June and we were pretty sure Maylee wouldn't be capable of waiting that long! So, in the evenings, Daniel has been doing a ballet class right in our home for her. Daniel studied dance for his undergrad and has been dancing since the age of 3 so he was pretty much in heaven when Maylee started showing a love for dance as well. Eleanor and Dalton joined in on the class:)

Dalton trying to use his blankie as a tutu. Ha!

Saturday mornings Daniel takes Ella to a "Mommy and Me" class (apparently dads are seen as incapable of being able to take a child to a class). He's the only dad there. This is their thing. They both wake up on Saturdays so excited to go. It's precious.

This is the most hilarious video we have. Eleanor went after Daniel with this little ball popper thing we have while yelling at him.

After bath hair:)


Eleanor telling me she wants to go to daddy's work.

Sometimes, Ella comes into our bed in the mornings and we snuggle. It's the best:)

We had some friends stop by our place one evening and give us a yummy Kneaders basket full of cookies and bread. We put the Little Atwells to bed and decided we'd eat it the next day. After about 15 minutes we could tell the Little Atwells were not going to be sleeping anytime soon, so we went and got them all out of bed and ate the treats on the kitchen floor. It was such a fun late night snack!

Once we finally got the twins in bed, Daniel started on his school work with his trusty Ella at his side:)

I sent these videos to Daniel one day. I was overwhelmed. It was a rough day.

The Little Atwells 'flying' around the room on a broom:)

Saturday morning snuggles with Ella!

We love you Little Atwells!


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