April 15 - April 21 2018

Coming home and they all fell asleep. Car naps are the best naps:)

The cake Maylee wants for her birthday. I'm excited to try and make this!

We were able to attend a Strengthening Families 11 week workshop. It was so neat! I found out about it on Facebook and thought, why not!? It's a program here in Utah where once a week for 11 weeks you meet as a family with other families. You start with a dinner, (I didn't have to cook one night a week for 11 weeks....yes please!!) and then we broke off into classes. They had the children separated into their own age groups. They would go to a class just for them that talked about how they can strengthen their family, how to handle and communicate emotions, and even learned some fun songs and games. The parents went to their own class taught by UVU students where we learned parenting techniques and marriage advise. It was all research based. Since this is what I got my degree in, it was really fun for me to hear the current research. I didn't agree with everything that was taught, but it was still a really neat experience!

These next pics are from the "graduation" they held for all the families at the end of the 11 weeks. It was carnival themed and was so fun! The Little Atwells got their faces painted and enjoyed eating ice cream and popcorn! They also enjoyed/were afraid of UVU's mascot that was in attendance. Ha! Wish I had a pic of their faces when they saw a wolverine walking around. Darn!

Don't you eat ice cream with two spoons?? You totally should.

One day, I was walking down the hallway behind my two girls and I couldn't help but see Ana and Elsa from Frozen. Their hair colors match perfectly! 

Maylee and Eleanor trying to hold onto my legs as I walked around the house. It's really hard to get anything done with these cuties around, ya' know!

*Picture Overload* 

This week was Dalton's first baseball game!! I was so excited. I love baseball. His team name is The Blue Ninjas. Their colors are blue and black. Dalton is number 0! So fun!

Eleanor walking around in someone's oversized boots at night:)

Eleanor was walking around with a shoe stuck to her diaper. It was hilarious!

Me and my boy hanging out:) He kept sticking his foot in the camera and saying, "feet!" Such a boy;)

Daniel sent me this pic of his computers at work:)

Some videos of the twins dancing in sync. Adorable.

Maylee and Eleanor helped me make manicotti for dinner this week! If you didn't know, children make wonderful spinach shredders! 

We love you Little Atwells!


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