July 2 - July 7 2018

This week was so fun! The Little Atwells hardly went to bed before 11 this week because of all the fun things Utah has to offer to families in the summer. It was so busy!

Mom and Ella having fun while Maylee brushes her teeth:)

Sweet Maylee.

Ella and Mommy.

On Saturday I got up early to go pick up groceries. I woke up with what I could tell was the start of a migraine. I hurried and went to pick up groceries. When I got home, I laid on the couch until we had to go do some cleaning at the gym. Thankfully by the time we left, I was feeling better. After we cleaned, we went to the store and picked up a present (yes, totally last minute) for a birthday party the twins were invited to. It was the first birthday party they've ever been invited to! The theme was Coco and it was so fun:) After the party, we went to Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point. We were only there for about 30 minutes before we were all melting from the heat. So from there we went to the dinosaur museum to cool off. Some pics from the weekend:

Eleanor at Farm Country. She wouldn't look up at us because the sun was so bright. We took this pick because she has gotten a picture with this sheep every time we have come here. It's become a tradition I suppose:)

She fell asleep in the car with her glasses on crooked:)

Eating birthday cake at the birthday party. They love cake and are big fans of birthday parties now that they know there is cake involved!

They sat so well watching their friend open his presents:)

They all got a turn hitting the piñata. Knowing that there was candy inside was a big motivator for them!

Waiting patiently with their bags.

On Friday night we went to see a movie outside at the gardens at Thanksgiving Point. The movie was Ferdinand and it was so cute! Maylee laughed so hard throughout the whole movie! We got there pretty late and were about to set our stuff down towards the back, when someone from the ward ran up to us and told us to come sit by them. They were so close to the screen! It was such a blessing!

The Little Atwells waiting for the movie to start while listening to some fun music:)

Dalton suspiciously starting on the popcorn:)

The nursery leaders in our ward asked all the parents to email them pictures of our child in nursery as well as of the parents for the binder. I sent these to pics.

We had come home from taking a mattress to some friends when we saw this fun car outside our building. The kids got in it. Daniel and I were pretty sure it was dead. We had seen it before and it never seemed to work. So, we were talking with each other and heard the car start to move. We turned around so fast and saw Maylee driving away with Dalton and Ella in tow. It was so funny! We ran after them and let them drive it some more with Daniel's assistance. It was adorable:)

The Little Atwells have become pros at vacuuming! 

A couple years ago, Daniel and I found the perfect spot to watch fireworks in all of Utah! Seriously! From this spot, we can see hundreds of firework shows. It's incredible! So, of course we went there this year. We got the Little Atwells glow sticks and some fun snacks. They had a blast!

A pano of our view. Doesn't do it justice!

The morning of the fourth, we went to the splash pad and Ella and Maylee played with some cute dogs.

Eating snacks at the splash pad:)

After the splash pad and before fireworks, we went to see Incredibles 2...so incredible! We loved it! And the Little Atwells did amazing. They all sat and watched it so well while eating popcorn.

Maylee had been sick for several days (like not-keeping-anything-down sick). It was awful. One morning she woke up before me and came out to the living room. I heard someone out there so I got up thinking it was Dalton. I was so happy to see Maylee playing and finally acting like her normal self! This meant she was on the mend!

Daniel took some pics of me working on this blog:)

Last weekend we went to Thanksgiving Point. We go there a lot:)

It's finally warm enough outside to take the Little Atwells to the water room. There was a table that no one was playing at, so Daniel went over and got it all set up for his children. It was adorable. He got them each a stool to sit on and some buckets to collect and pour water. He got plugs to put over the drains so the water pooled on the table. He got some PVC pipe to make it so each Little Atwell had their own water stream. It was so fun! They played there for a long time!

Before we went to the water room, we went to the gardens and had a picnic in the grass. Children eat better outside, at least ours do:)

We found a train park just minutes from us. It is so fun and has the most incredible view!

We love you Little Atwells!


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