April 29 - May 5 2018

May 1st is the day we began. Whenever this day comes, I love to look back at our old pictures. These are some pics I found on our old Facebook to post on our new Facebook. I never ended up posting them, but it was fun to look through them:)

These pics were from the night we got engaged. We met on May 1st and were engaged on May 22. We don't recommend it, but it totally worked for us. 

Maylee colored a picture and came and asked me if we could send it to Jenny. She was so excited! She loves my older sister Jenny and I find it adorable!

Dalton all ready for a baseball game. This one actually ended up being cancelled due to weather, but he was so stinkin' handsome I had to take some pics.

I took a screenshot of this to show to Daniel. We are wanting to do what is over the stove in this picture over our sink. 

One of the first pictures we took together:)

Before pictures of our kitchen. We are putting in backsplash and painting the cabinets white. We are so excited!

You can see the beginning of my measuring spoon collection on the wall in this pic. Daniel has bought me some super cute ones throughout the years. I love them!

I have no idea why I took these pics or what was going on. Looks like they're watching a movie, I can't remember. They're super cute though!

Not sure what's going on with these pics, but I'm so grateful I have them!

We love you Little Atwells!


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